TF-CBT Outcomes Summary Give at least one example of an intervention that is based on science and has been used to address the issues found in children as a result of the trauma. Briefly discuss the overall results of this…

TF-CBT Outcomes Summary Give at least one example of an intervention that is based on science and has been used to address the issues found in children as a result of the trauma. Briefly discuss the overall results of this…
Effects of Neglect Choose a kind of childhood trauma and address; How common is it for children to experience this kind of trauma? Are there specific effects that result from this kind of childhood trauma? What kinds of behaviors do…
Cryptocurrency Key Terms Are blockchain and cryptocurrencies the same? Create a glossary of at least 10 cryptocurrency terms. The definitions must be paraphrased and not quoted. APA Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are related but not the same. Blockchain is a technology…
Staying Current in Psychopharmacology New medications are frequently developed and released. What strategies will you use to remain current in your knowledge of new psychopharmacologic options for your clients? What resources exist to help you? APA Strategies to Remain Current…
Informed Client Collaboration As a practicing PMHNP, how will you respond to clients who request medications or treatments based on information they researched on the internet? APA As a practicing PMHNP, responding to clients who request medications or treatments based…
Integrated Healthcare: PMHNP Roles Many PMHNPs are employed within psychiatric facilities and may be asked to complete the mental health intake assessment and the admission physical, as well as prescribe and monitor all medications during the inpatient stay. What are…
Strategies for EBP Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP. APA Throughout the course on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), several strategies have been presented…
Enhancing EBP Practices As your EBP skills grow, you may be called upon to share your expertise with others. While EBP practice is often conducted with unique outcomes in mind, EBP practitioners who share their results can both add to…
Effective Dissemination Strategies Describe two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why. Identify at least two barriers you might encounter when…
Cultural Healthcare Assessment Create an outline for your comprehensive assessment of how your selected cultural group’s beliefs and practices might impact healthcare decision-making, treatment adherence, your communication, your interventions, and your education to align with the patient’s cultural values and…